Engagement Opportunities

Exhibiting at ALA Annual Virtual is just the first step. Make sure attendees recognize your brand! In additional to advertising, take advantage of these engagement tools to raise your company's profile, and make the most of your exhibit experience.
List Rental
Reach out directly to attendees to make sure they’re aware of your participation.
ALA is offering the following options to you to reach attendees:
Attendee List Rental
Target buyers by industry segment, demographic profile or geographic area. List counts can be modified to meet your budget requirements. TrafficMax online attendee list rental and marketing system allows you to reach qualified buyers for your products and services through attendee list rental or broadcast email service. List rental and broadcast email service is available through the Exhibitor Registration site.
Note on Unauthorized list rental
In the past, some ALA exhibitors received communications from companies soliciting ALA attendee lists. Please note that these companies have no affiliation with ALA, and we cannot recommend purchasing a list through them. ALA's official list rental is provided through CompuSystems Lead Management. For more information, call 866/600-5323, or email CompuSystems at [email protected].
Membership Lists
Market your publications and services with ALA Mailing Lists. ALA offers Membership Lists that include Personal and Organizational Members active in special interest Divisions, Sections and Round Tables. ALA Membership Lists also include foreign and Canadian addresses. Additional information on ordering an ALA Membership List.
Press Releases
Exhibitors can submit press releases to appear in the “News” section of the Annual Virtual web site.
Note: Press Releases must be related to your participation in ALA Annual Virtual. Exhibitors can submit a one-line headline for their Press Release, and a PDF file of the Press Release. We will link the PDF file to the one-line headline.
Send headline and PDF file to [email protected].
Exhibitor Toolkit
You've made a significant investment as a participating exhibitor or publisher. To make the most of your investment, we've assembled an Exhibitor Toolkit, including set of graphics and included promotion copy that will help you create and announce your participation.
Presentation Opportunities
Annual Virtual exhibitors have the opportunity to present in a variety of Exhibitor Session formats, including Exhibit Stage Sessions and "Book Buzz Bites".
Meet the Authors
The "Meet the Authors" program allows exhibitors to promote the virtual appearance of authors during ALA Annual Virtual. All “Meet the Authors” sessions will be listed in the Annual Virtual conference schedule.
Exhibitors have two options to list the Author/Illustrator appearances in their booth. Option 1: Host your "Meet the Authors" session through the Cadmium Virtual Event platform. Features of this option include a video chat room set up with your Moderator/Author/Illustrator. Total capacity for the video chat room is 5 people at one time (including the Moderator/Author/Illustrator.) Attendees will be able to wait in a queue during the session time to enter your "Meet the Authors" session. A graphic of your book can be pulled from your listings in the Title/Product Showcase. If you are utilizing this option, you will submit your information in this submission site. Submission deadline for this option is May 14. Cadmium will provide training to exhibitors utilizing this function. Option 2: Host Your Own "Meet the Authors" session in your own virtual conferencing platform. You would provide the conferencing platform link to be listed for each "Meet the Authors" session. Your session and link will viewable within the Annual Virtual Platform. If you are utilizing this option, you will submit your information in this submission site. Submission deadline for this option is June 1. For both options, you will enter the date/time of your session (during exhibit hours.) Please add a photo and bio to the Author/Illustrator/Moderator records. All "Meet the Authors" sessions will be listed in the Annual Virtual event platform (both the Cadmium option and the Host Your Own option.) Please note that Bookshelf Listings, Artist Alley, and Standard Booths include one (1) "Meet the Authors" session listing. Additional "Meet the Authors" session listings submitted for these exhibitor levels will be invoiced at $25 per listing. Invoices will be sent out after the Annual Virtual event. Upgraded, Silver, Gold and Platinum exhibitors have unlimited "Meet the Authors" listings (no additional charges.) Exhibit Hall Hours (All times are in the Central time zone)
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Librarians love swag! This is your spot to offer giveaways, e-galleys, special promotions, have drawings or contests, etc. The “Swag-a-palooza” button on your listing will link to a webpage developed by your company. Get creative on giveaways and promotions to offer to Annual Virtual Event attendees.
Exhibitors will find a task to submit their Swag-a-palooza link when logged in to the Virtual Exhibitor Service Center.
Off-Hours Event Listing
Are you hosting your own virtual special event during Annual Virtual? Exhibitor events can be added to the Annual "Other Events" web page.
Exhibitors will find a task to submit their Off-Hours Event Listings when logged in to the Virtual Exhibitor Service Center.
Diversity in Publishing Title Showcase 
The Diversity in Publishing Title Showcase will live online before, during, and after the event and allow exhibitors to enter their books in a searchable database. These titles will then be displayed in the online showcase for attendees to review and connect with the publisher.
Submit this form to have your titles included. Limit of 5 submissions per Imprint/Division. (Submission deadline: June 28, 2021.) Note: must be current exhibitor to participate.
Sound Garden’s Live from the 25 Podcast Booth 
Submit your podcast logo, description and link to be included in this area. Exhibitors will find tasks to submit their podcast details when logged in to the Virtual Exhibitor Service Center.
Festival of Shorts 
The Festival Shorts will showcase a variety of short films. Films that would qualify are short films under 15 minutes long, and book trailers.
Permission to show film must be obtained by sponsoring organization.
Exhibitors will find tasks to submit their short film/book trailer for participation into this program when logged in to the Virtual Exhibitor Service Center.